The Grigori Grabovoi's Training Program "TRAINING PROGRAM ON THE TEACHINGS OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI" is an educational standard for the learning process at the "EDUCATION CENTER FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM ON THE TEACHING OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI"
This Training Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi consists only of the training courses of the author of the Teaching both in Russian and in the languages of many countries of the world.
The Program is built according to the system of arrangement of training courses in ascending order of their dates, which ensures the systemic receipt of academic education according to the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi.
To get acquainted with the "Training Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi" or download it to your computer, you can follow the link:
Despite the fact that the volume of the Training Program is quite large, and despite the fact that its Table of Contents and headings (caps) of tables with data are written in English, using the table with the Training Program is quite simple and easy.
1. In order to quickly go to the Section of the Training Program in the language you need, you need to click in the table with the Table of Contents of the Program on the blue line with the name of the language you need.
For example, to go to the Training Program Section in English you should click on the line with the text "Training Program in English".
2. In order to quickly go directly to the topic you need from the Training Programme, for example, to find out its Identification Code, you can use the standard search function "Search" by simultaneously pressing two keys on your keyboard - "Ctrl"+"F".