The document "Testimony on the practical results of applying the methods of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi" (hereinafter referred to as the Testimony) is one of the elements of the learning process at the Education Center, demonstrating the level of its objectification and ensuring the formation of a stable evidence–based factual base confirming the high effectiveness of the application of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching methods in practice.
    A detailed description of the Testimony is given in clause 2.7. "Regulation on the procedure for organizing and conducting online computer testing in the «Education Center for Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi»", posted on the testing website in the Section "Testing System of the Education Center".
    The Testimony filled out by the student upon receiving positive results of controlling personal events in the direction of ensuring Eternal life for himself and everyone at any stage of online testing (reading the works of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching; preparing for testing; testing; after testing), serves as confirmation that the author of this Testimony has not only mastered the theoretical component of Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching well, but also successfully applies his knowledge of Teaching in practice.
    Thus, one of the main tasks of the educational process according to the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi is actually realized – students «study in order to get results».
    In order to fix with the help of a Testimony the fact of obtaining a positive result of control both for personal events and for macro-level tasks in any phase of the online testing process, you need to do the following:
       1. Download the standard Testimony form to your computer by clicking on the icon =>>and in the window that opens, click - "Save file".
       2. Open the file downloaded to your computer and fill out the Testimony form in accordance with the instructions below and a sample of the completed form.
       3. Certify the Testimony with a simple electronic digital signature (instructions are given below). If you have any questions about inserting a digital signature into the Testimony, you should inform the administration of the testing site by writing a letter with a request for help to the mailing address - grigori_grabovoi_edu@yahoo.com. Thanks to the received personal consultation, you will learn how to easily insert an electronic digital signature into a pdf document.
       4. Be sure to save the Testimony file with a digital signature under a different name according to the following sample file name: «Surname-testimony_of_results_sign-en.pdf». This is due to the fact that after inserting the signature into a file with a pdf form of the Testimony, it becomes uneditable, because this is one of the elements of protecting your information in the Testimony.
       5. Send the completed Testimony to the administration of the testing site (email address - grigori_grabovoi_edu@yahoo.com), writing in the subject of the letter - «Testimony about the results».

(To go to the Instructions, click on the blue window with the text “INSTRUCTIONS”
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